Wednesday, August 22, 2012

College Essay

            I grew up in several different small houses in Cape Coral, Florida with both of my parents. Throughout my childhood, my mother and father always tried to instill the best values in me in order to help me remain beyond my years in maturity and values. As a child I did not appreciate their motive as much as I did as I got older, and soon enough I found myself thanking them for keeping me away from the careless nature that teenagers often obtain.

            The day that I turned sixteen I began my job hunt. At first, I felt convinced that joining the workforce was a surefire way to lose my social life, something so important to me at the time. However, by the time I secured my first part time job as a cashier at a clothing store, my priorities already changed. Suddenly, car payments and rising gas prices seemed a lot more important than Friday night movies with my friends. Getting a job forced me to grow up and act more like responsible young adult. Soon enough I attained a side job as a dance instructor at my studio. I was unsure of how being in the workforce would affect my high school life. I somehow had these exaggerated visions of the working life in which I would labor endlessly all day, arrive back home late at night, and spend the night doing homework instead of sleeping. Thankfully, my schedule hasn’t reached that level of madness yet. However, I found myself in the beginning changing my personality to fit whatever situation I was in. There was the playful Roni around her friends, the polite Roni around her family, and the very professional Roni at work. I soon discovered how confusing and frustrating this could be, so I devised an altogether new Roni, one that was playful, polite, and professional all the time. I felt as though other adults and people of importance could treat me with more respect; I always strived for adults to treat me as an equal rather than a child, even at a very young age. Now I could prove that I could strive in the adult world, although I was willingly letting go of the self-revolved world that most of my friends still lived. I spotted a difference in the maturity of my other employed peers versus my unemployed peers, and suddenly being a responsible adult appeared to me as most important. I finally approved of the way I portrayed myself to my peers and to the adults in my life. I would consider myself an asset to the college community because I am already used to supporting myself as an individual, and I understand that I can support others on top of myself. . I know now that, yes, mother did know best when she would deny me extra shopping money or a few extra dollars for a movie ticket. Learning to be self-reliant has helped me to grow up and appreciate what the real world will be like after my years in high school end.